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How Do The 5 Stages of Grief Affect a Divorce in Ohio?

How Do The 5 Stages of Grief Affect a Divorce in Ohio?

The end of a marriage usually brings all kinds of emotional issues to the surface. We often see former spouses who are locked in knock- down-drag-out disagreements, unable to work together to face the process ahead of them.

People go through the 5 stages of loss and grief as they relate to divorce (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance) at a pace unique to the individual. It is common for you to move between phases more than once before finally reaching acceptance.

In our experience as certified family law specialists, we often help the parties to understand this model, and how each person can be in a different stage at any point along the way. It is important to build an effective bridge to help communications to continue and to reach resolution on core issues while working through the attached emotional issues. It is also important to factor in these stages of grief when considering whether to file for a divorce or dissolution.
The impact of third parties (in-laws, friends, attorneys, judges) often serves to aggravate the situation instead of helping to resolve issues and bring the situation to a constructive close. It is important to consider all sides of the equation when approaching the end of a marriage. It is important to understand the emotional cost of the divorce process.

At the Lawrence Law Office we work to help build an environment where these issues can be resolved in faster timeframes, and with less emotional and financial burden on the parties involved.
Contact us at either of our office locations to talk with our certified family law specialist about your legal issues.
Columbus: 614-228-3664; 496 South Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
Delaware: 614-228-3664; 24 West William Street, Delaware, Ohio 43015.

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