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What options do I have besides contempt charges?

At the Lawrence Law Office, we sometimes find it is beneficial to work on a mutually agreeable resolution to disputes that arise regarding support payments. While this is not always possible, in most cases it can prevent additional bad feelings between the partners and is oftentimes less time consuming and less costly than contempt of court.

If you are a custodial spouse, child support may be the only way you can financially maintain your household. As an Ohio family law firm, we understand there are often circumstances that legitimately occur that prevent a non-custodial spouse from making court-ordered payments. However, in the event these payments are simply not being made as agreed, we are here to help you. At the Lawrence Law Office we primarily focus on family law and while we encourage you to work with your ex-spouse to reach a mutual resolution, if it is not possible, we will not hesitate to go to court. If you are facing challenges due to non-support we can help you take the steps to either collect payments as quickly as possible or undertake the filing of contempt charges to force compliance.

Lawrence Law Office

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