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Should You Stay or Should You Divorce?

Marriage is hard. It requires the effort of both people in order to work. When only one person is putting in all the work, it leads to anger and resentment. This often leads to divorce

If you’ve been unhappy for a while, then it may make sense to leave. However, you may want to make one last effort to try to salvage the relationship. This often means going to marriage counseling, which may or may not work.

There are some couples who are more likely to stay married. For example, if you have a goal in mind, such as wanting to stay together for the kids, then you’re more likely to stick it out. However, if you’re only staying together because you want to avoid pain and are scared to leave, then there isn’t much keeping your marriage together. 

But deciding to leave a marriage is complicated. There are many elements involved. You and your spouse have a history together. The marriage probably had a lot of meaning for you at one time. Maybe it still does, which makes the decision even harder. 

If you have children, you may want to stay together for them. While children benefit from having both parents in their lives, being in a home with unhappy parents can make things worse. Kids sense when their parents are stressed out and they become stressed out as well. 

It is up to you to figure out what is best for your marriage. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What do you really want for your future?
  • Can you achieve those goals with your spouse?
  • Are you afraid to be alone?
  • Do you feel guilty about ending your marriage?
  • How much longer are you willing to stay in your marriage?
  • What considerations truly matter to you? Think about your children, money, living arrangements, and your hist
  • ory with your spouse.

Signs That You Should Divorce

Still on the fence about divorce? Here are some signs that you should end the relationship:

  • There is abuse involved. This is non-negotiable. If you have been physically or verbally abused by your spouse, then it’s time to move on before things get worse.
  • Communication is difficult. Communication problems are a major cause of divorce. If you and your spouse are constantly arguing and are struggling to have good conversations, then you need to improve your communication skills. Taking time every day to talk and listen can make a huge difference. 
  • You want different things in life. If you and your spouse don’t have the same goals, then that can make a relationship difficult. You should be on the same page on things such as whether or not to have children and where to live. 
  • You’ve tried but there’s been no improvement. If you’ve tried to make things work but things aren’t getting any better, then you’re probably burned out with the marriage. At this point, it’s better to just get out. 
  • You are constantly stressed out. Marriage should not be a painful experience. If you are always stressed out because of your spouse, then you need to get out before that stress affects your physical health. 
  • There’s a lack of intimacy. If you are in a sexless marriage and your marriage lacks any sort of intimacy, then you’re pretty much living as roommates. This is not a good sign. Without this closeness, it’ll be hard to make your marriage work in the long run.

Think About the Future

No matter your situation, you need to look at the future. Think about what is possible. Ask yourself if the glass is half empty or half full in regards to your marriage. If it is half full, you likely have a strong enough foundation to make your marriage work, although you will likely need some professional help. If you see the glass as half empty, then you have a tough decision to make about your marriage. You are not happy and you either need to make major changes or get out. 

Contact Us Today

The decision to divorce is not an easy one. It’s not something that can happen overnight. Many people think about it for months or even years before they decide to end things. 

Think divorce is the solution? If so, contact the Columbus divorce attorneys at Lawrence Law Office. We’ll help you avoid making mistakes that could jeopardize your future. Schedule a consultation by calling (614) 363-0752 or filling out the online form.

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