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Unique Issues Physicians Face During Divorce

Any divorce case has the potential to become complex, but this is particularly for physicians. If you are a doctor and are facing divorce, you will have to resolve complex and difficult issues. Having your own established practice will affect property division hearings, and you may have to pay spousal support post-divorce. A physician’s job is also time-consuming and demanding and while it may seem as though this will not impact your divorce case, it will. While most people benefit from working with a Columbus family lawyer, it is absolutely critical that you have a physician divorce lawyer in Columbus if you are a doctor going through a divorce.

Protecting Your Practice

If you own your practice, it is considered a business during divorce and as such, it may be subject to property division law. Only marital assets are divided during divorce so, if you started your practice before the marriage, it may be considered separate property.

Still, some factors, such as commingling the practice’s funds with marital funds, can mean your practice is classified as marital property. Even if your practice is considered marital property, it does not mean you will lose it. However, your practice will have to be valued and your spouse will likely receive more in property division to cover the share of the practice they own.

Your Medical Degree

You will not lose your medical degree during divorce, but if marital funds were used to pay for the education that allowed you to earn it, it could affect property division hearings. For example, if your spouse worked while you went to school to earn your degree, a judge may deem you responsible for repaying the full amount of student debt, or they may award your spouse more assets if they have already paid for part of your student loan.

Spousal Support

Just because you are a doctor does not mean you will automatically have to pay spousal support. A judge will take many factors into consideration when determining whether or not they will order you to pay spousal support. These include how long you were married, your spouse’s need for support, and your ability to pay it. Judges will also consider the standard of living your spouse enjoyed during the marriage, and whether they can maintain that standard post-divorce.

Child Custody Issues

In typical divorce cases, child custody schedules involve the children spending set days with one parent, and spending time with the other parent on the other days. As a doctor, though, your schedule may not be as set in stone as other people’s, especially if you are often on call. This type of child custody issue requires creative solutions that are not always considered typical. A Columbus family lawyer can help you resolve these issues in a manner that works for your family.

Our Family Lawyers in Columbus Understand the Unique Issues in Your Case

At Lawrence Law Office, our Columbus family lawyers understand that no two divorce cases are exactly alike. Our seasoned attorneys have the necessary experience to anticipate the unique issues that will come up during your divorce, and overcome them so you obtain the fairest settlement possible. Contact us now at (614) 363-0752 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation.

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