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Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Thinking About Divorce

If you are considering getting a divorce, there is a lot you should do to prepare. However, there are also many things you should not do, and that could actually hurt your case. Below, our Columbus divorce lawyer outlines the main things you should avoid so the divorce proceedings go smoothly, and so that you can obtain the best settlement possible.

Do Not Tell Everyone

You will need support if you get a divorce and even if you are only considering the possibility, you are likely not in a good place. Telling one or two family members or friends may be necessary so you can receive the support you need, but do not tell everyone. If you decide not to go through with it and reconcile with your spouse, it could damage the relationship between those individuals and your spouse. It could even hurt your relationship with the ones you love.

Do Not Retaliate

During a divorce, emotions run very high but it is best to keep them controlled as much as possible. If your spouse’s actions were the reason the marriage ended, you may want to retaliate against them. You may want to lock them out of the marital home, destroy their property, or take other actions that will hurt them. It is important that you do not do any of this. The courts will not look kindly on you if you do go through with the divorce, and your actions could hurt your case, and your family members, especially if you have children.

Do Not Go to Friends and Family for Legal Advice

Turning to one or two family members or friends for support is important when you are considering divorce, but do not turn to them for legal advice. Even if people in your support group have gone through a divorce before, it does not mean they know all of the legalities your proceedings will entail. No two divorce cases are exactly alike and the law and court decisions change all the time. Lean on your loved ones when you need to, but only obtain legal advice from a Columbus family lawyer.

Do Not Involve Your Children

Regardless of their age, it is important to leave your children out of the divorce process as much as possible. Your children will already be stressed out by the potential conflict in the home, wondering where they will live once the divorce is over, and worried about how much time they will see you and your spouse. Talking about the divorce in front of them or trying to alienate the kids from your spouse will only damage your children and hurt you during child custody proceedings.

Call a Columbus Divorce Lawyer Today

There are many things you should not do when considering divorce, but it is important to speak to a Columbus family lawyer. At Lawrence Law Office, our Columbus divorce lawyer can provide the sound legal advice you need and prepare you for the process so you know what to expect. Contact us now at (614) 363-0752 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and to learn more.

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